
Our innovative and contemporary rug collection is designed by Massimo Copenhagen. Each rug is unique and entirely handmade based on centuries-old tradition and technique. The collection uses the finest natural yarns, giving rugs a long lasting value.

Massimo collaborates with CARE & FAIR and guarantees that no child labour is employed in the production of its rugs.

COPPER Moon Rug from €2.849,23
from €2.849,23
from €558,24
from €2.209,72
from €1.202,58
STARDUST Rug from €3.003,06
from €3.003,06
KARMA Rug from €753,66
from €753,66
OCEAN Rug from €3.003,06
from €3.003,06
BELIZE Rug from €227,36
from €227,36
REPEAT Rug from €753,66
from €753,66
CLOUD 9 Rug from €883,31
from €883,31
EARTH Natural Rug from €1.040,04
from €1.040,04
BAMBOO Rug from €909,43
from €909,43
BUBBLES Rug from €1.026,49
from €1.026,49
EARTH Rug from €714,96
from €714,96
NATURAL Kelims Rug from €955,87
from €955,87
MOON Night Rug from €3.003,06
from €3.003,06
RYA Rug from €805,92
from €805,92